
Alfred eisenstaedt vj day photo
Alfred eisenstaedt vj day photo

alfred eisenstaedt vj day photo

The signed photo is estimated to sell for as much as USD23,500 and the camera could fetch up to USD32,780. A fun fact I found out about this particular image is that it belongs to the public domain since Jorgensen took it while he was on official duty (Eisenstaedt’s is copyrighted). An original signed print of Alfred Eisenstaedts famous 1945 V-J Day celebration. Although both images present the same event, the point of view chosen by each photographer creates a difference in the feel the photographs convey. However, the background switches from the crowded, characteristic Times Square to the seemingly more ordinary location of a bank and a Walgreens. In his image, which was later publish on The New York Times, we still get to see the famous kiss. Navy photo journalist, Victor Jorgensen, was able to snap the scene from another viewpoint. Photo of the Iconic Times Square Kiss to Celebrate the End of World War II. To my surprise, another photograph of this same moment exists. V-J Day in Times Square by Alfred Eisenstaedt. One can’t help but think “what a time to be alive!” even after considering how difficult the previous decade must have been. The greatness of the picture lies not only in the candid expression of celebration by the subjects but also in the eminence of Times Square in the background. Photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt used the Leica Illa. The photograph depicts a sailor kissing a young nurse in the.

alfred eisenstaedt vj day photo alfred eisenstaedt vj day photo

Captured by Alfred Eisenstaedt in 1945, this image represents victory over the devastating war and marks the beginning of prosperity following the Great Depression of the 1930s. The German-made camera that was used to take one of the most iconic pictures of the 20th century has sold for almost 150,000 at auction. The above photograph is entitled V-J Day in Times Square, taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt in 1945. When discussing iconic photos, especially in the context of historical events such as World War II, a particular one came to mind. Shayan Abbasi on The Wasteland: A Poem about De… Title: V-J Day Date: 1945 Physical Dimensions: B/W PRINT Subject Keywords: 1940s Publisher: TimeLife Usage: For personal non-commercial use only Provider: LIFE Photographer: Alfred Eisenstaedt Original ID: TimeLifeimage111321606 Credits: Life Magazine Copyright: Time Inc. Street Photography R… on Henri Cartier Bresson’s… Criticizing Photographs, Chapter 2: Describing Photographs.14, 1945, the day Japan surrendered to end World War II, when a sailor and nurse locked lips in Times Square. Photo Resurrections & Myth of Narcissus Reflections But one of those photographs is 'The Kiss.' Its from Aug.

Alfred eisenstaedt vj day photo